Dirty old men Frost / Nixon The eternal problem of the Nixon-filming: Nixon is dead, and he was the last person who looked like Nixon. Here to illustrate a picture of any Star Trek Toon who does not look like Nixon:
And one that looks just like Nixon:
For completeness's is now one of Nixon as Nixon in Star Trek:
seems to me that I so an exhaustive review of Frost / Nixon should have delivered. Ceterum censeo: Of course likeness is not a prerequisite for the glorious view, but the film pulls a not straight away so that it does not stick but rather many small pluderbunte pictures in the review that, instead of to the "strip" to be "fair".
1 of 2 jowls Yes Man
Jim Carrey is great to use, and also as an actor, but this was, as in every other film ungefährgenau of it, not demand. This thing is a romantic Kalauerbutze to the model: amorous Vernudelung based on lies, lies, flies up, with mounting despair Santander dumplings funny music, not very believable conversion of the main character, happy ending. Why do I nevertheless countless rubber points? Not for the narrow-minded knitting pattern, not the plastic people in the supporting roles, not for the fact that Carrey could now be the father of his sexy young at heart and love-interests (nachrecherchiert and recalculated). But: Carrey is a survivor of the Entertainer cinema, which has screwed Adam Sandler years ago in the land. It fulfills the basic requirement for clown - he's funny. The film is an old-fashioned comedy that is written about their role-resistant central to August, although at the end of the credits "MTV" and ungefährgenau scream "2002". Yes, even old-fashioned.
2 of 2 rubber countless points