Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Are There Gay Pleiadians


Beauregard Adama will become president. Pff. Who is so entered the mainstream, that he will win the West Indian presidential election, can not be my idol. I prefer the less intrusive people who do not anywhere pushes himself on television. Actually, I like best are those people, of which I have never heard about, such as the defeated candidate of 1988. Now I'd like the readers with an artistic exercise, forgetting to take for want me, as I have the Vorverlierer Al Gore would have forgotten, but that was Bob Dole. So I have to go back to the 88 loser Michael Dukakis, the 1933 Greek-born former governor of Massachusetts. Of which I have never heard of.

So really it, at least in name. Now if I go through half the interest-free list, but all I know at least heard of her name back to 1968, to Hubert Humphrey, which I never ever even ringing. A sparkling name more regardless. The men and women since 1984, muddle, is always making the top and, like turn appear in the column Vice President and presidential candidate on which West Indian Wurstelwiesel. And then the blood ties that provide even less name change. It is possible for the 36 copulations 1976-2008 (Presidential candidate + + + Vice President running mate * 9 elections) only paltry 21 last names.

Is it forgetfulness or a practice, if I do not remember noses and names before my birth were not president? Regardless of the Leserbeeindruckung the air out. For future magic tricks I realize that vice presidential candidate loser forget easily, provided they do not appear again later as a presidential candidate. Whether I can remember me?

So much for late-night comment regarding refusal oh-so-reaching changes in political cases overseas. I say to Hesse even nothing. As is still true and always my self-shot photo review of ten posts further down. See there.

And so I have something good postscript do with this article - wupps fact, fun: Barack is } / bǝ'rɑk pronounced /, not / 'bɛrɛk / This is the name that is already the kebab man around the corner


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