? I dream of Berlin.
Neukölln, Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg, Mitte, Prenzlauer Berg. We were there. A weekend long. And I'm still fascinated. From this difference. Everything colorful way, there are so many small businesses and the people are so much better dressed than in Leipzig. So different, colorful, idiosyncratic. Eigenwillig I think is the right word for this cool city. At 10 I was the first time there. With my grandma, with her friend. I've been in love at that time. In the houses, subways, so many people. We come from NEM small village without lights, with only 6 bus stops. Back then it was like a grab bag. A whole new world. I've sworn at that time: Here I want to live. And I still want. Leipzig was the first step. Berlin will be the next. Images are
it soon ... I've given yesterday at DM ... (Zzt digicam is broken ...)
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