... was also a desire for my (really small, but growing much larger than I) met brother. Unfortunately, my brother is waiting until Wednesday to unpack his gifts because he had to work over Christmas'm so excited to have the reaction.
was desired, for a reference the toilet. I personally did not think that my brother would express a wish and times as covers for the toilet seat for me so far included in the category "at Grandma is fine but today revealed the need to not necessarily have." When a request comes from my brother, he is of course always very special and unique. His wish to Santa Claus was so toilet seat cover with skulls in black , a matching rug for under the toilet and before the bath.
Embroidery: Threads Urban
from the rest of the towel was a small towel for guests and a washcloth. Match, there was still two larger square towels for everyday use and a bath towel. All embroidered with the skull. And for the ground there is, as already mentioned the black rubber mats.
I am not a fan of skulls, but the set has really beautiful and I admit that my attitude has changed with regard to toilet seat covers something - Grandma will be happy. There are so many beautiful colorful towels to buy, by the wife of could conjure up one of the many beautiful embroidery a real eye-catcher for the bathroom. I still have not made for us, but that may still ... later ...
(PS Keep your fingers crossed that it is like my brother, unfortunately, he has already hinted that gray so did not his color.)
Edit: I received a short message on my mom that my brother was very pleased. It was all gray now, was probably not so bad. Thank you for your kind comments!

My plan It quickly became clear, I need towels, which I can embroider it and I will sew the pieces. Skull fabric I wanted to use first also, but was unfortunately not available in Rostock. Unfortunately there was no towels in black and now my plan B is a black set and ready aufzuhübschen also fell into the water when I saw the colors and prices. So I decided at short notice for gray and the rubber mats from the building in black, you can shrink or cut very easily.
did for the cover of the toilet I tinkered a paper template of the lid. When cutting, I have provided on the straight edge seam allowance of 2cm and 5cm from the round side. Using a bias tape I have a Drawstring sewn on, pulled a cord and used at the end of a cord lock. Fits perfectly to the shape of the cover on.
did for the cover of the toilet I tinkered a paper template of the lid. When cutting, I have provided on the straight edge seam allowance of 2cm and 5cm from the round side. Using a bias tape I have a Drawstring sewn on, pulled a cord and used at the end of a cord lock. Fits perfectly to the shape of the cover on.
I am not a fan of skulls, but the set has really beautiful and I admit that my attitude has changed with regard to toilet seat covers something - Grandma will be happy. There are so many beautiful colorful towels to buy, by the wife of could conjure up one of the many beautiful embroidery a real eye-catcher for the bathroom. I still have not made for us, but that may still ... later ...
(PS Keep your fingers crossed that it is like my brother, unfortunately, he has already hinted that gray so did not his color.)
Edit: I received a short message on my mom that my brother was very pleased. It was all gray now, was probably not so bad. Thank you for your kind comments!
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