I protest!
This, even though hundreds of animal shelters is not the unending flood of supply animals can not lift.
are just created the premises for the sale of puppies. According to information provided by Zoo Zajac will be offered between Juli and October 2011 dogs of various breeds and hybrids, which are particularly well suited as a companion and family dog. "
Text: peta
After the successful campaign Tasso "rummage puppy" who have signed 32,000 people, I feel this project as a "slap in the face" of all animal rights activists and animal lovers.
Please help prevent this!
Circulate this monstrosity in your blogs, on facebook or twitter. refers
A finished their protest mail here on the peta site.
Incidentally, cats are there already sold, and also animals that are not absolutely in zoo shops ... googled times itself is just incredible ....
your outraged
I also find it impossible and animal contempt when animals are sold now as in the supermarket. However you have to do something and if it is just a protest mail. The insatiable appetite for filthy lucre outweighs again and it knows no boundaries. Abominable. Please help and join us at the Peta campaign
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