zu Guttenberg
my opinion on this subject is the following:
Yes, it's a hunt the opposition has taken on him, which is not nice, but quite common in politics. Thus, each count, who gets involved with the job. And now they have found what they sought, namely the black spot on the otherwise clean record. And so should anyone expect the so wearing an item. What we would say for all, if we dislike this man would be if it were not such a sunshine boy would like to Guttenberg? If it's on our Chancellor Angela Merkel, for example, would be the so now is not necessarily the jets child of the party.? Or, as the whole Parliament would have raged if it would have been quite right or far left, they would like to have out of the Parliament? That is the question I have asked myself and then again take the same view that I have already expressed to Kässmann case. If I am in a position so where I exercise example and others would expect me to subordinates in such a case, with consequences such as dismissal, then I can no longer carry the job. In any case, not if I have backbone and I am aware of my responsibility. It would certainly have been a wiser train to offer his resignation. And the demeanor of the CDU / CSU to me just shows how hypocritical and morally reprehensible, they act in this affair. Just because they have a so-called "shining light" and a draft horse could lose their party, they talk all nice misconduct. For me, this is disgusting.
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