Monday, October 11, 2010

Invitation For Pay For Own Dinner

A week improvisation training

The first week is over. A week full of impressions, so I grumbled every day after work or going. A week marked by sore cheek muscles, because I was laughing so much.

When I met me two weeks ago for the first time with the leaders of my organization , I'm with the conclusion went home to teach the children of the Fundacion Arboledas in violin, music, theater, piano, English and German. My schedule looked at the following Sunday, but again different: Monday to Thursday, I will teach twelve groups of five to fifteen children in both English and music theory. Five groups, I will also accompany the violin. The working day clock starts from 8.00-17.00.
With this knowledge I began my first day. Hardly enough to keep tuition reasonable, but still more than any of my fellow volunteers knew about his upcoming duties.
The week was therefore a pure Improvisation exercise. I neither knew anything about age and prior knowledge of the children, nor what exactly should I teach you, or anything else about the circumstances and functioning of the institution. But it was great fun!

It was completely different than expected: I was standing alone before the start of the children and teach them should be. I was prepared to, once mitzulaufen about a month in the institution to einzufinden me, my place and my job search. Furthermore, I did not expect that I listen to even one child and recognizes me as an authority figure. Therefore, I am not expected to ever hold lessons. In fact, I learned
but unusually interested, happy, outgoing, love and know more timid children. They followed on word's, greeted me in English class with "Good morning, teacher! How are you? ", And took their leave after the hour with cheek kiss and a cheerful" Ciao, profe! Gracias profe! ".
On the third day I got the first post secret ... "Julia te quiero", a tree, a girl, a cloud. Pencil on a torn out from the lined exercise book page.

conjure creativity was now required to be impromptu meaningful lessons. Since I knew nothing about the children, I began teaching English at the most with profile questions. As a nice variation related to learning was encountered "My right is the right place free" out. Until all could pronounce the English sentence was the hour normally around. Thus I was at the end of the week richer by some findings: the children in English have little prior knowledge when, only theoretical. Virtually none understands the slowly pronounced sentence "Do you understand me when I speak English?", Even if they know every single word. Particular difficulties they seem it also have to remember things. Is it due to lack of concentration, lack of mental practice, too much TV, overwhelmed by other social problems? I do not know.

In music lessons, I've usually started from scratch as well. Clef paint, notes from the first position on the violin, in advanced groups the intervals. Only when I should inform the orchestra, I was totally helpless. To them I have not much advance. So I have converted the music lesson short hand in an orchestra rehearsal. And I've found that the children do play great, but can not be right one of his violin. Thus We worked on expression, intonation and mutual attention.
Even in English class this group represents the biggest problem: it consists of children of the fourth to tenth grade. Corresponding differences in the level of knowledge. So far I have no idea how I get them all under one roof.
So it remains for the time being exciting and I have to crack the one or other nut ...


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