Friday, December 17, 2010

Fifth Disease Or Teething

Los Diablos de Silo - a devilish story

From "dia de las brujas" (Day of Halloween witches =) to up to 6 January, the Diablos by Cali. The Diablos are a devil disguised groups of children and young people who run noisily and drumming through the streets and the people abteufeln money.

The custom comes from a silo, a district in the east of Cali, which is notorious for violence and gang warfare. Here they founded the country feared groups such as FARC and M19, and until recently recruited its members. On average two people die per week in a Siloé gewltsamen death. The police will not be tolerated.
Originally Siloé was inhabited by the tribe of Yanaconas. Later settled here in the coal mines operating, African slaves. With the start of the Civil War were in the 40s of the 20th Century, many peasant refugees from the surrounding area added.
This led in 1952 the custom of the Diablos to beg for money for food, clothing and alcohol for the parties in December. At first drummed only adult men and they moved only in December by the city. But as the work of men alone, the families could not feed often, now even the children are sent. Child labor is illegal in Colombia, though, is not punished, and certainly not when it comes to traditions like the "Diablos de Deciembre" is about. And there begging to bring more children than adults, the average age of the devil is now far below 18 For 10 years the start Diablos already on 31st drumming October. But the misery Siloé they drum away ... not


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